Stock Analysis Web Application


  • Flask and PHP web servers
  • Web Scraping
  • Machine Learning (Facebook Prophet)
  • Numerical Analysis
  • Data Visualization
  • Web Design (HTML, CSS, JavaScript)

Project Overview

This is a web application for analyzing and displaying stock market data on a web interface that is powered with PHP, Python, and SQL on the back-end and HTML, CSS, and Javascript on the front-end. It includes a landing page with a description of what the website is all about and an introduction to the team that developed the project. Users may then access a login or account creation page, where they fill in their information to be stored securely in a MySQL database. Once the user has logged in, they may access the dashboard containing cards for the companies that they have chosen to track. The information in the cards includes the company name, a summary, and the current stock price; all of which is obtained from the back-end SQL database. The user may also delete and add cards on this page. Furthermore, the user can move to the assessments page, which contains all of the stock analysis tools that were created in the project’s Python code. This includes multiple graphs displaying stock history, price prediction using machine learning, trends that are also calculated by machine learning, and price changepoint analysis. My role on this project was heavily focused on the Python development and managing the project.

Project Repo:
